Nido Community

6 weeks to 24 months old


“Nido” is an Italian word which translates to “nest” in English, and conveys the spirit of the infant environment. The infant's physical development is phenomenal and apparent and inspires our care and attention.

The Nido community is the bridge between the home and school. We offer various sensorial experiences and developmental aides specifically for each individual child's stage of development. Additionally, Title 22 in the state of California mandates that there be a strict 4:1 (1 teacher for every 4 children) ratio at all times. At St. Mary’s, we keep to a 3:1 (1 teacher for every 3 children) ratio to ensure that your child is always receiving the most supervision and quality of care.

At this time we also introduce the weaning process. Weaning is the transition off of the bottle and onto drinking out of a small cup, as well as independence through self feeding. We start this process around 8 months all in preparation for the child to transition into the Infant Community.

Depending on the child's domain of skills and work, as a result of strong observation by their teachers, he/she will make the transition from Nido to the Infant Community. In this setting, the children come to feel the classroom is their own peaceful, special space where they play a meaningful role in their own care and the care of their environment. 

Classrooms are inviting, and materials are appropriately stimulating. Movement is encouraged and meaningful, and ordered activities satisfy developmental needs. Our trained Montessori staff uses expressive language, which is accompanied with action, to create an environment in which the children thrive.